How is it possible that it is June 2 already? What happened to May? I love the change in seasons, I love the heat that has come to Minnesota. I don't love running the AC all the time, but hey, that's okay. We don't have shades yet, so it is not easy to regulate the temp in our house. One of Mike's many projects for when I am gone this summer.
Today marks the beginning of open house season. One tonight and two tomorrow, then free till next weekend. I love going to open houses because I have no idea where most of the kids live, so it is fun to see their homes, as well as the picture boards of their life. I'm especially excited when they have pictures up from AWOL and other church stuff. I need to start wrapping gifts and writing cards...I'll have to do that this afternoon. We also have a picnic tonight, a combo of the youth and children's staff. I'm looking forward to it, I really enjoy all the people that I work with.
Okay, yoga did not go well this morning, it hurt my knees to much. So I'm slightly ahead of schedule cause I had to cut it short. Of course, now that I am on the internet I'll be way behind, so I should be off to shower and look pretty. Have a wonderful day!