Friday, August 31, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Support Tim

Please help support our friend Tim who is walking for PFD.
Click here to go to his website.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Children of Men

Just watched Children of Men, interesting movie. A little violent for my taste, but an interesting story. Sometimes I worry what will happen in the future and have to stop and think about why we want to bring children into this world (not that that is happening anytime soon, sheesh). Still, I do fear for the future.

catching up again...

still trying to catch up on old stuff. here are the notes from one of the hour long things at the NPG.

Why does there even have to be a women's day?
because women are inferior to men (j)
maybe we are superior and that is why we get a day and men don't

what percentage bring suitcases to class with them? (j)

How can I personally as well as the YM network forge better relationship with Lutheran colleges including church relations, admissions, and campus pastors?
Are campus pastors actively doing youth ministry? If so, how can I help? If not, why not?
What can i do to make life better for the young women in my congregation?
How do I best talk about God?
How do we encourage young women to enter ministry and speak boldly about the word?
Nearer the promises of God...what are the promises?
That women will be senior pastors? (j)

are transgendered people represented by the rainbow as well?
do you know Jaime at Luther? (j)
our age? how does "the church" feel about that?

are there models of family and gender roles?
do we fit the mold?

overspiritualized the gospel - to take out the politics

how do we teach/model active gospel?

is the scriptual agenda the same as the liberal agenda?

God images as female images - is God gender neutral? how about Jesus? and the trinity?

Why can't you use the trinity with female images?

How does Sophia fit into all of this?

Gathering as a mother hen -

How does the grace of God as evident through Jesus not be gender specific?

Is it a positive male image with God?


How does your spouse fit into your call?
Do other jobs find childcare for conferences? Is that not part of real life?

So I cocktailed and bartended for more than three years. I know sexual harrasement and discrimination. What I learned is that it only happens if you let it happen. I believe that women are strong enough and intelligent enough to stand up for themselves. If not, maybe they shouldn't be leading a church. Scandalous, huh?

Do we still even have a traditional family?
I am a feminist in that i believe that women can do anything, but they have to want it bad enough.
Is there a healthy family modle in the entire Bible?

3rd grade rules!(j)
Isn't there a draft for a reason? So that all of God's people have equal chance for a good pastor.

I love that the bishop came in just after that comment that the draft is fucked up.
Do you think she goes to Augsburg for free.
"Continue to ask and ponder provacative questions"

What does negativity solve?

Can we raise a generation that wants to work with Jesus?

Do attractive people become pastors?

Would it be cool if I just chucked my apple at her at top speed? (j)

Often times our breathing gets us in trouble.

So you can tell that it was an interesting 4 days, if just one of the hours spawned all that.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Managing Sideways

So I'm attempting to get caught up on life - including laundry, grocery shopping, reading, and all that good stuff. I'm also trying to get caught up at work, with reading and the like. I'm plowing through Managing Sideways by Price Pritchett. I thought I might as well blog as I read, so that I can get it all down that I want to remember. I'm trying to think of how this will apply to work for me as I'm reading it. So here are the important parts I have picked up on:

Change is 30 percent logical, but it is 70 percent emotional.

It is reported that customers are five times more likely to leave because our business processes are poor than because we have poor products. (I think our processes are pretty poor)

As Kenneth Blanchard puts it, "Feedback is the breakfast of campions." ( I like feedback, I need more of it. Are we getting good and accurate feedback on the programs from the kids?? What if we did a followup survey 5 years later on how AWOL really affected their life?).

Okay, here is a chapter that is tricky in the current situation. It says,
"Instead of supervising people, manage the white space. keep your focus on...results. ... Here we are looking for horizontal management, and that means you don't want people raising issues through the chain of command. You want them to resolve the problems at their level. You want them to be self directed, finding solutions on their own, operation with a high degree of personal autonomy."
I think that applies to issues with a process or product, but can it apply to issues with co-workers? or ethics??

Communication is the oxygen that change needs to survive.

interesting quick read. i'm curious as to if we ar going to use this as a youth staff.

Monday, August 20, 2007


We spent last weekend at Holly's cabin with Holly, Joe, Angie, Shawn, and Ashley. It was lovely and rainy. So we stayed in most of the time and played mexican train and phase 10. Great to get away for weekend without high school youth!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mike's Birthday Dinner!

the big 28!

Still not done with the slideshow

So I'm almost done, but we are heading out to dinner for Mike's birthday. Anyway, wanted to post this where I would remember it. It is from the first church we stayed in our on way to Charleston and I really like it.

Thank God for today
This is the beginning of a new day.
I can waste it or use it for good.
What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever-leaving in its place something I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil; success, not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price I paid for today.


Here are some photos from Chicago. I didn't bring my good camera, so they are a little fuzzy. The first is the view from my hotel room. Not too bad! These are from the walk home from Gino's East for pizza. Notice the snazzy bright green shirt! Auggh.

The rest are all from the night we went out a boat cruise. I'm bummed that you can't see the skyline in the background. Anyway, this is me with Susan, then Nathan, then Leslie.

Off the boat now with Susan, John and Beht (another AIM!)

With Jason, my travel buddy and deep conversationalist. Tell me again why I can't serve communion?
Lastly, with Colleen and John, from my discipleship group at Sem.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bridge Collapse

What a shock this was. Here are some pictures that I was emailed. Check out the pictures here.

I feel like I have a ton of stuff to write about since I have been traveling for the past 4 weeks. I'll try and get some stuff down about the Navy Pier Gathering tomorrow or when I finish the Charleston slideshow.