So one of my very best friends dads passed away this week. You would think in my line of work I would know exactly what to say and how to respond. I didn't. I was speechless and I just hurt for my friend. I can't even begin to imagine what he is going through. I can't even begin to imagine how one things about putting together a service for your father, about calling family members to tell them that their father, brother, son, friend has died. I feel hurt for him. I wish I could help him grieve, help him heal. I wish I knew what he needed and knew what I could provide.
I feel kind of guilty that I am thinking this...but I am just not ready for my friends parents to start dieing. I'm not even close to ready for my grandparents to pass on, so how can I be ready for my friends parents to pass? I know there will be a time in our lives when we will go to a lot of funerals of our friends parents, but I am not there yet. I'm only 26.

It is All Saint's weekend at church. As part of the prayers they read each person's name in the congregation that had passed away this past year. After each name, a bell tolled. It was a good thing I went to church tonight and not tomorrow morning, because I was crying by the end of it.
Here is my buddy Dane. Please pray for Dane, his brother Chad, and him mom Linda.
We love you Dane!
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