So I started this blog partly because I simply felt overwhelmed with life. I was having trouble keeping up with, family, friends, household stuff. I still behind, but not as much so. I'm not sure if that is a seasonal thing, or simply that my state of mind wasn't great. I spent some time today in our office at home, just trying to clean up and catch up on filing stuff. We finally have our tax stuff put away till next year. Mike still has stuff out, golf club stuff and lifetimes stuff. We still need to look over life insurance policies. There is still so much to do! But, I am learning from my wonderful husband that life does not end if it is not done. I'm learning to take time off and relax. I spent a whole hour today, lying on the couch and not doing anything. Not sleeping or reading, which is how I usually relax, but just being still. Of course, having a migraine conrtibuted to that, but I'm not feeling awful that the laundry did not get done.
There is stuff that I would like to get done. I'm thinking about taking some time off to catch up on stuff. Just as a reminder to myself, here is some stuff that should get done:
catch up on photos
wedding scrapbook
update address book
fix the paint in the basement
We also want to have so many people over for dinner...bjorkes, jacob and jackie, ann and brandt, burnsy and brian, isaac and marit, andy and leslie, gerbs, matt and jessica. good thing we love brats and beer!
life is good, i need to live more in the moment.