Monday, May 15, 2006


So I always think, ohhh, I'll have to write that up in my blog. Then I'm either at work and don't want to cross that line, or I just have too many other things to do and think blogging is at the end of the list (where it probably should be). But then I just get frustrated.

I am frustrated tonight and I'm not really sure why. I have this crazy insane busy weekend planned and i'm super excited for it. but then I realized just how far away new ulm is. And maybe I don't want to drive down there just for a couple of hours. but then what do I want to do instead. And am i still a good friend if i'm not willing to make the drive?

see, frustration. grrrr.

on a better note, I am now officially CPR and AED trained and certified for two years.

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