Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Friends of Old...

So today is my good friend Julie's birthday. Julie was my freshman and senior year college roommate. We always get along, we like each other, and we were really good friends in college. She was one of my personal attendents in my wedding as I was in hers. Somehow we aren't close anymore. I sent her an email today wishing her a happy birthday and that was it. I'm not sure exactly what happened. Perhaps it is growing up, changing life situation, or perhaps I am a bad friend. I sure hope it is not the last one though!
How do we let friends go or how do we renew friendships that have grown old?
I'm amazed that my mom is still really close with her friends from elementary school. I'm not sure that I could do that, or would even really want to do that. People change so much, friendships surely must as well.
Happy thoughts for a dreary, snowy Tuesday.

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