Wednesday, April 05, 2006


From The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury:
"Polls consistently confirm that most Christians, Jews, and Muslims today are unaware of their religions' shared roots in Abraham, the patriarch of all three religions and the founder of monotheism," Vance explained. "Ironically, according to the book of Genesis, God had sent Abraham on a mission to heal the divisions between men. His messager was that regardless of different languages or cultures, all of mankind was to be part of one human family, before one God who sustains the whole creation. Somehow, this lofty message got perverted," Vance said mockingly, "like something out of a bad episode of Dallas. Abraham's wife, Sarah, couldn't have children, so he took on a second wife, his Arab maidservant Hagar, who gave him a son they called Ishmael. Thirteen years later, Sarah manages to have a son, Isaac. Abraham dies, sarah banished Hagar and Ishmael, and the Semitic race is split between Arab and Jew."
Vance shook his head, laughing to himself. "The galling thin is that all three religions claim to believe in the same God, the God of Abraham. Things only got screwed up once people started squabbling over whose words were the truest representation of God's tradition...(p 295).

Never quite thought about it that way. I definetely do not believe the story of the book, but he brings up some good nuggets to think about. The writing style was okay, but these books are getting to be a little too predictable. Of course, I love a good romance, so it was nice to see some of that in the book as well.

Went for a nice walk today. I am sooo out of shape! Glad that the snow is finally gone and I can start walking again on a regular basis. Of course, it is supposed to rain tomorrow, but oh well!

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