Monday, April 24, 2006

The Templar Legacy

I loved this book by Steve Berry. A little slow in the begining, but well written and thought provoking. Truly it makes you wonder what we read is true and what is made up by the church. This section is towards the end, and fascinated me. If you are planning on reading this book, don't read this.
"All doubt left me. Grief vanished. Confusion became clarity. The man Jesus was not dead. He was alive. Resurrected within me was the risen Lord. I feld his presence as clearly as wehn he once stood beside me. I recalled what he said to me many times. "Simon, if you love me you will find my sheep." I finally knew that loving as he loved will allow anyone to know the Lord. Doing as he did will allow us all to know the Lord. Living as he lived is that way to salvation. God has come from heaven to dwell within the man Jesus and through his ees and words that Lord became known. The message was clear. Care for the needy, comfort the distressed, befriend the rejected. Do those things and the Lord will be pleased. God took the man Jesus's life so that we could see. I was merely the first to accept that truth. The task became clear. The message must live through me and others who lifewise believe."

good stuff...

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